arrow2025 Book Discussion Class  Arrow FLASH! 3 New February Classes added    Arrow Effective 12/20/24, UMA/Saco is moving to: 209 Main Street, #104, Saco, ME. Contact info (email, phone, website) remain as before.
YCSC participants

as it should be –

Quotation markOur Mission: to provide low cost educational and social opportunities for York County adults 50 years of age or older.Quotation mark

Don't let the word "college" scare you! Are you over 50 and looking for an intellectual and social outlet? A place where you can meet other vibrant and interesting people, learn something new, and have fun? At Maine's York County Senior College you can partake of lifelong learning by taking any of a variety of classes designed to meet your interests. Choose from a diverse array of courses.

The Senior College program, not unique to Maine, was once cited in a major magazine as "the reason to retire to Maine.'' York County Senior College offers three locations for classes and sociability—Alfred, Saco, and Springvale.

We invite you to view a brief video made by a Senior College student. It features members describing their Senior College experience. We welcome YOU to join us in this fulfilling educational and social experience.


Notebook sketch


Some are lecture courses taught by people with a command of a topic. Some classes include more discussion and group engagement. Others are more skill-oriented, where attendees develop writing, painting, or other skills.

Instructor sketch


Just ask a YCSC instructor, it's a rewarding experience! Teaching experience or fancy degrees are not needed. What is crucial is the desire to share with others, subject knowledge, and enthusiasm. Team-teaching can also be successful.

Knowledge sketch


The Gary Sullivan Memorial Lecture Series (January– March) features lectures from elder law to women in sports. Field trips (before Covid) and a spring meeting with a luncheon and speaker are always an annual highlight.

Members sketch


Are you 50 or older with a keen interest in learning? It's easy to join! Just pay a $25 membership fee—and the world of Senior College opens to you. Access to classes and activities throughout the entire 17-college network are available to you.

Building icon

Course Sites

Low-cost educational and social opportunities at sites through out York County .

News Icon

In the News

York County Senior College is making news about classes and special events.

Character with pen


Senior College is a voluntary organization, administered by a volunteer Council.

Getting in Touch